Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development 

According to World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Report 1987), development is sustainable where it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Companies must be responsible enough to achieve economic growth in a manner that pursues the protection of both social and environmental systems. This concept of sustainability is called the Triple Bottom Line.
For me, the 3 pillars (Economic Prosperity, Environmental Quality and Social Equity) of the Triple Bottom Line are all equally important. Based on our lecture topic “Sustainable Development” Session 11 of our subject, Lasallian Business Leadership Through Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibilities, environmental sustainability without human development is also unsustainable. There are obstacles in the sustainable development, however they can be overcome through the following:
1.       Paradigm shifting
2.       Thinking holistically
3.       Respecting the natural world
4.       Valuing People
5.       New perspective on the Economy
In the Book of Genesis of the Bible, it was stated that God created man to have dominion over all the creatures of the earth. God gave man life, food and everything that he needs to survive. But in return, God gave man the duty to cultivate and care the earth. Therefore, we owe our master, God, the obligation of taking good care of the nature and all natural resources. But instead, people destroy the environment by polluting the air, water and soil. In short, people exploit and take for granted what has been freely given by God. Some cases were caused by human culture, while most are caused by the desire for higher personal gain/profits. An infamous case of a well-known large petroleum company in Nigeria and the case of the largest copper mining company in the Philippines in the 90s are just 2 examples of numerous companies around the world which constantly destroy the natural environment for the sake of personal profits. As a result, tons of greenhouse gases are released into the air that cause global warming and severe climate change. The garbage that humans throw also comes back as garbage containing more harmful effects to humans.
So goes the so-called “Environmental Ethics”. Environment Ethics deals with the approach to the environment that ought to be taken as well as the approach that is taken. On the point of view of Utilitarianism, total social cost of production equals the private costs plus external costs not being borne by the producers. On the point of view of Rights, people have the right to a healthy environment. Future generations, unborn humans and nature have the right for access to clean and healthy natural environment. Justice requires that we hand over to the next generation the world’s condition that is not worse than the one we received from our ancestors. Care demands humans to see matters from the perspective of those with whom we are thus directly related and care for their specific needs.
 On the point of view of the companies, it seems that going “Green” means getting less competitive. But in fact, on the contrary, companies who go “Green” enjoys the following advantages:
1.       Generate cost savings
2.       Promote innovation
3.       Command premium pricing
4.       Enhance the brand image
5.       Differentiate from competitors
Perhaps, starting now, at my own capacity, I will be more selective in choosing the products that I use, making sure that they are environmental friendly, and dispose them properly. If possible to recycle, then I shall recycle. That way, even in simple ways, I can minimize harm to the environment, therefore, practicing sustainable development.
1.       Text
BUS560M SESSION 11.ppt - De La Salle University-Manila
BUS560M SESSION 12.ppt - De La Salle University-Manila
2.       Images
BUS560M SESSION 11.ppt - De La Salle University-Manila