Sunday, August 10, 2014

Human Rights

Human Rights

Every human being must have equal rights and opportunities because we are all created under God’s own image, and everyone of us, regardless of age, gender and race, has equal share in God’s blessing of life. By definition, human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. (United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights)
In the business workplace, there are a lot of issues on human rights. But the common ones are the following which result to job discrimination:
1.       Gender Inequality and Inequity
·         The mentality that men are superior than women.
·         Women have less power and access to assets.
·         Women are not being involved in the decision-making process nor heard in consultations.
·         Women have limited choices.
·         Women are blocked from handling senior executive management positions (also called Glass Ceiling), instead they are blocked in the rank and file positions that hinder their promotions (also called Sticky Floors).
·         Violence and sexual harassment against women caused by the mentality of women are weak and fragile
2.       Unequal Opportunity in the Workplace
·         Employers hire only applicants who graduated from certain schools.
·         Managers promote subordinates who have been personally close to them.
·         Promotions are based on seniority regardless of competency or qualifications.
·         Job discrimination against senior citizens.
·         Job discrimination against people with disabilities.
Fortunately, a local company, Lamoiyan Corporation, founded by Mr. Cecilio K. Pedro, which manufactures toothpaste with brand name of Hapee, was able to deviate from the usual practice of modern companies of job discrimination by employing hearing impaired regardless of age and gender. By hiring hearing impaired, Lamoiyan is successful in proving the society that everyone, even if he/she has physical limitations, still has a worth and dignity at work and capability to produce output, therefore, he/she also has the right to receive equal job opportunity and just compensation, same as hearing workers. Hopefully, Lamoiyan will be able to sustain its advocacy and even spread it despite of threats of business process outsourcing to remain global competitive.
 1.       Text
BUS560M SESSION 11.ppt - De La Salle University-Manila
2.       Images